
25+ | non-binary
mixed-media artist
Have a project you'd like formatting/layout help with? Let's chat.

✦ Ongoing Projects (As a Mod)

Project NameRoleStatus
Ace Attorney Women ZineLayoutInterest Check
Child of MagicLayoutApplications
A Stellar AdventureLayoutApplications
Fragments of Fate, A Ghost Trick ZineLayoutCreation
Hey, Let's Go!, A My Neighbor Totoro ZineLayoutCreation
Transcending Transcience,
A Genshin Impact Zine
LayoutPreorders Prep
Aranara Tales, A Genshin Impact ZineLayout + Graphics AssistantPreorders
Our Brutal, Beautiful, Miserable, Fantasy, A 2000's Gothic Manga ZineLayoutProduction
Where the Sky Meets the Sea,
A Genshin Impact Zine
Art + LayoutProduction
Turnabout Ballroom, A DGS ZineLayoutProduction
Revolutionary Guardians of FódlanLayoutProduction
Verglas Flame, A Genshin Impact ZineLayoutProduction
McPaimon's, A Genshin Impact ZineLayoutProduction
Character Study, A D&D OC ZineLayoutShipping
Fódlanomicon, A FE3H ZineLayoutShipping
Dracaena Somnolenta, A Genshin Impact ZineGraphics + LayoutShipping

✦ Ongoing Projects (As a Contributor)

Project NameRoleStatus
VERSES, A LoL Musicverse ZinePage ArtistCreation
Heartland, A Multi-Fandom Zine for PalestinePage ArtistCreation
The Sea Unseen, A Marine ZinePage ArtistCreation
In the Footsteps of Fate, A FE Lords ZinePage ArtistCreation
One Last Wish, A Destiny 2 ZinePage ArtistCreation
From the Shadows, A DGS ZinePage ArtistFormatting
Take My Revolution TarotCard ArtistPreorders Prep
Hisui Chronicles, A Pkmn ZinePage ArtistPreorders
Our Greatest Treasure, A Pkmn ZinePage ArtistProduction
Anna's RoundtableCard ArtistProduction
Scholar's Lullaby, A FE ZineMerch ArtistShipping
The Devoted, A FE IkeSoren ZinePage ArtistShipping
Future Witness, A FE ZinePage ArtistLeftovers

Previous Projects
In order of project completion, newest to oldest
Links provided where available







